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Department of Plant and Microbial Biology


IPMB conducts a remarkable diversity of plant and microbial research focusing on molecular mechanisms. By working on plant development, physiology, molecular biology, epigenetics, microbiology, plant-microbe interactions, microbiome science, agroecology, evolutionary adaptation, and soil and freshwater microbiology, IPMB combines diverse disciplines to provide fundamental insights that can contribute to sustainable agriculture and safe drinking water use, thereby bringing scientific innovation from the lab to society.

IPMB’s vision for teaching has two key aspects in mind: (1) meet the needs of students for interdisciplinary training, focusing on a mechanistic understanding of complex, multidimensional problems; and (2) address important societal issues, because many of our students take on positions at the interface of science and society, e.g., in cantonal or federal administrations, or as coordinators of science or policy programs. This is offered through extensive participation in several BSc programs (e.g. Biology, Biomedicine and Biodiversity) and MSc programs at the UZH but also ETHZ, as well as PhD programs (e.g. Plant Sciences and Science & Policy from the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center).


Module Acronym Category Faculty ECTS
BIO 239 Organisms of the tidal coast: Algae and invertebrates 07SMBIO239 Blockkurs MNF 4
BIO 287 Plant cell wall development 07SMBIO287 Blockkurs MNF 6
BIO 292 Human and veterinary medical Bacteriology 07SMBIO292 Blockkurs MNF 6
BIO 296 Microbial bioinformatics: sequencing technologies to pathogen analysis 07SMBIO296 Blockkurs MNF 6
BIO 315 Forschungspraktikum Pflanzenbiologie 07SMBIO315 Praktikum MNF 4
BIO 316 Forschungspraktikum Mikrobiologie 07SMBIO316 Praktikum MNF 4
BIO 504 Master Thesis in Microbiology 07SMBIO504 Arbeit MNF 60
BIO 505 Master Thesis in Plant Sciences 07SMBIO505 Arbeit MNF 60
BIO 692 Introduction to Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) 07SMBIO692 Sonstiges MNF 1
BIO 701 Plant Biology Forum 07SMBIO701 Kolloquium MNF 0
BIO 702 Plant Biology Workshop 07SMBIO702 Seminar MNF 1
BIO 704 Group Seminar: Current Research 07SMBIO704 Seminar MNF 1
BIO 706 Group Seminar Current Research 07SMBIO706 Seminar MNF 1
BIO 707 Gruppenseminar aktuelle Forschung Mikrobiologie 07SMBIO707 Seminar MNF 1
BIO 709 Group seminar: Current research 07SMBIO709 Seminar MNF 0
BIO 710 Group seminar 07SMBIO710 Kolloquium MNF 1
BIO 711 Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium für Fortgeschrittene 07SMBIO711 Kolloquium MNF 1
BIO 712 Limnologisches Kolloquium für Fortgeschrittene 07SMBIO712 Kolloquium MNF 1
BIO 715 Interdisciplinary research in microbiology 07SMBIO715 Seminar MNF 0
EEE 319 Aquatic microbial ecology 07SMEEE319 Blockkurs MNF 6
EEE 357 Agroecology, Food Security & Sustainable Production 07SMEEE357 Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung MNF 3
