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Lutz, S., Bodenhausen, N., Hess J., Valzano-Held, A., Waelchli J., Deslandes-Hérold, G., Schlaeppi, K., van der Heijden, M.G.A. (2023) Soil microbiome indicators can predict crop growth response to large-scale inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Nature Microbiology (just published)
Zhang, C., van der Heijden, M.G.A., Dodds, B.K., Nguyen, T.B., Spooren, J., Held, A., Cosme, M., Berendsen, R. (2023) A tripartite bacterial-fungal-plant symbiosis in the mycorrhiza-shaped microbiome drives plant growth and mycorrhization. Microbiome (in press).
Anthony, M., Bender. F., van der Heijden, M.G.A. (2023) Enumerating soil biodiversity. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (33) e2304663120.
Wittwer, R.A., Klaus, V.H., Oliveira, E.M., Sun, Q., Liu, Y., Gilgen, A.K., Buchmann, N., van der Heijden, M.G.A. (2023). Limited capability of organic farming and conservation tillage to enhance agroecosystem resilience to severe drought. Agricultural Systems 211, 103721.
Romero, F., Hilfiker, S., Edlinger, A., Held, A., Hartman, K., Labouyrie, M., & van der Heijden, M.G.A. (2023). Soil microbial biodiversity promotes crop productivity and agro-ecosystem functioning in experimental microcosms. Science of The Total Environment, 885, 163683.
Hartman, K., Schmid, M. W., Bodenhausen, N., Bender, S. F., Valzano-Held, A. Y., Schlaeppi, K., & van der Heijden, M.G.A. (2023). A symbiotic footprint in the plant root microbiome. Environmental microbiome, 18(1), 65.
Toda, M., Walder, F., & van der Heijden, M.G.A. (2023). Organic management and soil health promote nutrient use efficiency. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. 2 (3), 215-224.
Romero, F., Argüello, A., de Bruin, S., & van der Heijden, M.G.A. (2023). The plant–mycorrhizal fungi collaboration gradient depends on plant functional group. Functional Ecology 37 (9), 2386-2398.
Labouyrie, M., Ballabio C., Romero, F., Panagos P., Jones, A., Schmid, M.W., Mikryukov, V., Dulya, O., Tedersoo, L., Bahram, M., Lugato, E., van der Heijden, M.G.A*, Orgiazzi, A.*, Patterns in soil microbial diversity across Europe: the interplay of vegetation, climate, and soil properties. Nature Communications 14 (1) pp.3311.
Liu, Y. R., van der Heijden, M.G.A, Riedo, J., Sanz-Lazaro, C., Eldridge, D. J., Bastida, F., ... & Delgado-Baquerizo, M. (2023). Soil contamination in nearby natural areas mirrors that in urban greenspaces worldwide. Nature communications, 14(1), 1706.
Riedo, J., Yokota, A., Walther, B., Bartolomé, N., van der Heijden, M.G.A., Bucheli, T. D., & Walder, F. (2023). Temporal dynamics of total and bioavailable fungicide concentrations in soil and their effect upon nine soil microbial markers. Science of The Total Environment, 162995. x
Rillig, M. C., van der Heijden, M.G.A., Berdugo, M., Liu, Y. R., Riedo, J., Sanz-Lazaro, C., ...Romero, F.,.. & Delgado-Baquerizo, M. (2023). Increasing the number of stressors reduces soil ecosystem services worldwide. Nature Climate Change, 1-6. X
Bodenhausen, N., Hess, J., Valzano, A., Deslandes‐Hérold, G., Waelchli, J., Furrer, R., van der Heijden M.G.A. & Schlaeppi, K. (2023). Predicting soil fungal communities from chemical and physical properties. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment.
Formenti, L., Ahlstrand, N. I., Hassemer, G., Glauser, G., van den Hoogen, J., Rønsted, N., van der Heijden, M.G.A., Crowther, T. & Rasmann, S. (2023). Macroevolutionary decline in mycorrhizal colonization and chemical defense responsiveness to mycorrhization. Iscience, 26(5).
Edlinger, A., Garland, G., Banerjee, S., Degrune, F., García‐Palacios, P., Herzog, C., ... & van der Heijden, M.G.A. (2023). The impact of agricultural management on soil aggregation and carbon storage is regulated by climatic thresholds across a 3000 km European gradient. Global Change Biology 29 (11): 3177-3192. with Front Cover.
Li, X., Zhao, R., Li, D., Wang, G., Bei, S., Ju, X., ..Bender, F. van der Heijden, M.G.A.,….. & Zhang, J. (2023). Mycorrhiza-mediated recruitment of complete denitrifying Pseudomonas reduces N2O emissions from soil. Microbiome, 11(1), 45. x
Selected papers (between 1998 - 2013)